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Local knowledge and scientific research in the Arctic Regions

par Sylvie Blangy - publié le , mis à jour le

Integration of local knowledge in scientific research.
A workshop for exchanging and transferring knowledge on collaborative research practices in (sub)arctic regions between aboriginal and academic researchers from France, Scandinavia and Canada.

Institution managing the project : CEFE CNRS Montpellier

Venue of the workshop :
Maison des sciences de la communication du CNRS
20, rue Berbier-du-Mets
75013 Paris
Tél. : 01 58 52 17 36

Funding : CNRS, ISCC (Institut des Sciences de la Communication) and INEE (Institut Ecologie et Environnement)

Project coordinator : Sylvie Blangy

Summary of the project :

Local and traditional knowledge is increasingly important in environmental research programs, especially those concerned with climate change in Arctic regions. Research collaborations between indigenous peoples and those from outside the community are encouraged but are still being developed and are specific to Canada. The French scientific community operating in the Arctic regions of Canada and Scandinavia is highly interested in obtaining expertise on how to integrate traditional knowledge in research projects and develop partnerships between social and life sciences. The OHM : human-environment observatory project currently led by INEE on the Inuit community of Baker Lake in Nunavut offers the following opportunities : 1) reinforcement of France-Canada collaborations, 2) development of interdisciplinarity studies, 3) study of knowledge transfer between local experts and scientists. A participatory workshop using the collaborative research techniques developed in Canada is offered as part of the ISCC. It will bring together the Cree, Inuit and Saami researchers and the researchers from universities and research centers in Canada, France and Scandinavia. This meeting will give rise to a special issue on integration of local knowledge in scientific research.